Thursday, November 23, 2023

Upload Your Android App On Play Store Account In Minutes


If you are looking to upload your app on google play, then it is right place for you. I will Publish Android App On  Play store at a very reasonable price. Also, I will Update Android App On Google Play store.

One more interesting thing, if you don't have your google developer account, then I will assist you. I can upload your app to my account.


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Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Build Flutter App Android Ios With Apis Integration


Hi! Hope you are doing great.

I'm Omer, an Expert Flutter Developer at your service.

If you want someone to develop your Hybrid flutter app on Android, IOS to increase your business or for your client. Keep reading. We are a team of flutter developers with 1.5+ years of experience in flutter app development. We have developed several flutter apps and published them on Play Store and Apple Store. We are really confident to astonish you with our development services.

I need info:

1-Your awesome business idea.

2-Color Theme

3-Any design Sample.

4-Any Sample App or figma ,xd for ideas.

What you can avail:

1-Responsive UI

2-Flutter Animations

3-Firebase or MYSQL\SQLite Integration

4-Google Maps Integration

5-Location Services

6-API's Integration

7-NodeJS API"s (Backend) Integration

8-Local/Push Notifications

9-Social Media Integration

10-Website Conversion to app


12-Flutter Bugfix in-app and much more

Have any questions in mind? Kindly Visit FAQ Section or Message me Direct.

We are open to custom offers


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Saturday, November 4, 2023

Prepare A Blueprint And Product Plan For Your New Custom Software Initiative


The SolutionLab's output is a blueprint that describes the exact features and functions of your software project - both in writing and in visual form. This includes an exploration of your app or website's business model, risks that need to be known before you jump in, and a roadmap for the investment and time-line required to bring it to fruition.

Think of this like hiring an architect to blueprint your new custom home, prior to having a contractor come and pour cement. Having a blueprint is vital to ensuring your team of designers and developers are entirely on the same page.


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