Saturday, October 2, 2021

Develop Ios App For Iphone And Ipad In Swift And Swiftui


Develop your ideas in to iOS (iphone/ipad) apps using Swift 5.

  1. REST api and web services integration
  2. UI Animations 
  3. Pixel Perfect UI for every Device using Size Classes and AutoLayouts
  4. Coredata/RealM  for offline support 
  5. BugFixing 
  6. Firebase Services
  7. Social Logins and services integration
  8. Push notifications
  9. Local Notifications
  10. Analytics 
  11. Admob
  12. PSD to Mobile App Designing
  13. CoreML 
  14. MapKit/Google Maps.
  15. In App Purchases
  16. App Submission
  17.  MVC, MVVM, MVP architectural patterns

Note: Please don't place an order without discussing your project's requirements and details.

I provide FREE technical consultation! Feel free to contact me for any question!



Hasan worked tirelessly on my app. It took longer than we both expected but he was consistent and worked through it. We did a couple phone calls to work out details and he had great communication and work ethic. I look forward to working with him in the future.


Very intelligent and experienced professional with great communication skills. He is also very easy to work with, I would definitely recommend him if you have anything that need to be done on your iOS App


Great work as always highly recommended


Great work as always


Easy to communicate with and very quick to deliver.

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