Saturday, May 14, 2022

Convert Website To A Super Android And Ios App


Looking for someone to convert your site to mobile app? you are on the best gig. I will convert your website to android and ios apps.  I am not saying that I am the best, but I'll make you happy with my work. Here are the features that are included in the app.

Basic Package:

  • Webview app
  • App Icon of your logo
  • Splash screen

  • Admob Ads integration

  • Fb ads integration
  • Internet detection

Standard Package:

  • Webview for android
  • Icon with your logo
  • Splash screen
  • Admob Ads integration

  • Fb ads integration
  • Any ad network of your  
  • Internet detection
  • Pull to refresh
  • Push notification
  • Progressbar
  • Upload file

  • Download file

Premium Package:

  • Webview for android and ios both
  • Icon with your logo
  • Splash screen
  • Admob Ads integration

  • Fb ads integration
  • Any ad network of your  
  • Internet detection
  • Pull to refresh
  • Push notification
  • Progressbar
  • Upload file

  • Download file

should you choose me?

  • 24/7 Support
  • Special discount if you chat with me before placing the order
  • Fast delivery
  • Unlimited revisions
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee
  • Free future maintenance 
  • Lifetime free support



great seller very fast


Good job thanks


Good job thank you very much


As usual good job thanks you are the best


Good job, thank you very much

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